Friday, November 21, 2014

Discourse Community

A discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field.  According to “The Concept of Discourse Community,” by educator and researcher John Swales, a discourse community is defined by six characteristics:
1. A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals.  This is pretty easy to explain because it’s easy to conceptualize.  A group of teachers has goals—to teach students and help them move forward in life.  A group of cheerleaders has goals—to entertain spectators and encourage them to support the team for which they cheer.  A group of pilots has goals—to fly planes safely from one place to the next and get passengers safely from one destination to the next.  A group of vacationers has common goals—to get away from everyday responsibilities, to have fun, experience new things, and/or to relax.
2. A discourse community has mechanisms of intercommunication among their members.  Again, this is pretty easy to define because the concept of “intercommunication” is something we do.  We talk on the phone (phone being the mechanism of intercommunication), we text, we write blogs or papers, we send and reply to emails for everyone in a community, we have meetings and gatherings—in short, every form of communication that facilitates the “inter” part of intercommunication fits the bill here.
3. A discourse community uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback.  Most of the things that are listed in “mechanisms” above are also part of this aspect of a discourse community. For example, a blog is often used for feedback, as is email, meetings, etc.  Other writings, like a newsletter or FAQs webpage, would also be used for information.
4. A discourse community utilizes and possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims.  “Genre” is the word that might cause confusion here, but it simply refers to a text—any text. Thus, it is possible that the genre of a discourse community might be chalk drawings on a sidewalk or graffiti.  More commonly, though, discourse communities, like the ones you’ll be researching, possess and employ more traditional genres in the communication of their aims—websites, magazine articles, journal articles, blogs, etc.
5. In addition to owning genres, a discourse community has acquired some specific lexis.  This simply refers to the jargon specific and often unique to a community but also required by the members of that community for intercommunication.  Artists, for example, have a specific lexis used to explain tools, techniques, and mediums.  Cyclists have a specific lexis that refers to riding techniques, bicycle parts, and equipment.  Biologists have a different lexis from Marine Biologists, but each community has its own lexis.
6. A discourse community has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise.  In a discourse community, members often come into the community as novices and “leave by death or other less involuntary ways” (Swales 27).  I’m not sure of Swales limited methods for leaving a community, but it is true that they change and evolve.  It is also true that a community takes in beginners; thus, there has to be a ratio of beginners to experts for the community to exist and continue. When there are no longer enough experts to inform novices or not enough novices to carry on, the community will cease to exist  What that ratio is depends on the community—though functionality is reduced, a community like our class can exist with two members; a football team, on the other hand, can’t survive with fewer than eleven members.
With these characteristics in mind, it is obvious that all major fields of study offered on this campus are discourse communities.  Our class also forms a discourse community.  The people at your place of employment, your circle of friends, your family, and many other groups to which you belong constitute a discourse community.
Got it?  Good.  It's not that hard to comprehend if you take a few minutes to read/think about it.  It's pretty much common sense.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Most Underutilized Tool in Making People Happier at Work

Every language has a word for “thanks.” It’s one of the few concepts that works in a hut in Bali, a London skyscraper or a mini-mart in Peoria.
In the U.S. (in November) and Canada (in October), we have actual paid-time-off days of “thanks.” And while many of us spend these Thanksgiving days expressing gratitude for our families, friends, health or prosperity, what about thanking the people who make your business possible: Your team.
By now there’s enough statistical evidence that recognition done right plays a critical role in engaging employees and creating high-performance cultures. Our research shows it also creates enhanced feelings of trust and communication in employees. But it’s hard to benefit from the impact of gratitude if you don’t do it.
No one knows this better than Kirt Walker, president and chief operating officer of Nationwide Financial in Columbus, Ohio. I was working with Kirt and his amazing leadership team at a meeting last week when he issued this challenge: “It's Thanksgiving. Lets make sure we thank our people.”
He then gave them a great way to accomplish the task: He asked them to consider writing a handwritten note to every direct report, expressing specifically what that employee has done to help the organization thrive. And he said it would be great to do it before Thanksgiving Day.
Kirt promised he was going to do it himself. I love it when leaders lead by example.
As Kirt knows, great service will only happen if we keep our employees engaged and focused. And a handwritten note costs almost nothing, but can be a very personal, very powerful way to convey gratitude. It is a warm conversation that is all about you, it doesn’t beep at you, distract you, or pull you away to do something else.
Letters and notes I’ve received have found their way into my journals and onto the walls around my desk. They are constant reminders of the people I work with who have become more than associates, they are now my friends. Probably my favorite note ever came from a colleague—Mike Goodson—who knew I was struggling. After telling me specifically how he thought I added value to the world, he summed up with a few lines I’ll never forget: “Chester, you aren’t just great. In the pantheon of greatness you are the greatest. You, my friend, are Spartacus.” I laughed, admittedly choked up a little, and his handwritten note is still hanging prominently on my wall years later.
Today, I send a lot of notes, not only to work associates but to family and friends too. Every Sunday I write a note to each of my two boys, Brinden and Garrett, who are away from home. I tell them how much I love and appreciate them, and I let them know they are never far from my thoughts. Once in a while I do get a letter back (because I gave them stationery for Christmas last year, and stamps!). One of my favorite notes has been from 21-year-old Brinden who told me when he gets my letters he doesn’t always open them right away, but often saves them for a day when things have been tough in his incomprehensible (to me) chemical engineering classes. As he said, “I know that after I read a letter from my dad, I will feel better about myself.” I love that kid!
Whether in our personal or public lives, specific and sincere notes can validate the ones we count on the most, those we care about. It takes so little time and the return far outweighs the effort.
So, wherever you live on this planet, why not use November as your month of thanks? Take a moment to look around you. Give thanks to your team members, your employees, your clients. Send a note of thanks to your leader for those paychecks that keep coming or the assignments and the trust he or she gives you. Send thanks to the network of professional relationships you’ve built in your industry. Giving “thanks” has never been more appropriate. And don’t forget friends and family too.
Don’t miss the opportunity to say thanks and your gratitude will spread like melted butter on warm yams. YUM!
A little thank you makes everything taste better.
Is anyone else getting hungry?
Chester Elton's latest book, written with co-author Adrian Gostick, is What Motivates Me, aimed at helping readers align the work they do every day, for the rest of their lives, with what truly motivates them.Elton and Gostick are also the New York Times bestselling authors of The Carrot Principle and All In.
Photo: Jimmy Fallon, writing thank you notes. (Credit: Douglas Gorenstein/NBC via Getty Images.)

Successful People vs Unsuccessful People

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sidee udooran kartaa cinwaanka buugaaga qalin jabinta (Thesis)

Arday badan marka lagaaro sanadka udanbeeya ee heerkooda kowaad ee jaamacadda waxay jahawareer kala kulmaan habka ama qaabka ay udooran lahaayen cinwaanka buugooda qalin jabinta. hadaba anigo taas kaduulaya ayaan waxaan jecelahay inaan idin lawadaago inta aan khibrad uleeyahy arrinta dorashada cinwaan qancin kara dadka hadhow ku dhagaysan doona adna aad kubaasi karto wax cusubna kusoo kordhin karto.
haddaba waxaa haboon inaad su'aalahan isweydiiso inta aadan waxba bilaabin.
1- maxaan anigu xiiseya? xagee ku wanaagsanahay? dhinacee dhib iga soo wajahayaa hadaan aado? maadoyinkee aad ii soojitay ama aan xiiseynayay markaan xiisada kujiray?
2- dhib nuuce ah ayaa kajira maadada ama qaybta(feild) aanbartay? dhankee umuuqda in muhiimada kowaad lasiiyo?
marka aad su'aalahaan kore aad kajawaabto hadana aad latashato macalimiinta iyo xubnaha kale ee qaybta aad  katirsantahay dooro cinwaan aad u aragto inuu yahay midka leh mudnaanta kowaad kadib hadana isweydii su'aalahaan soosocda.
1- aqoon intee la eg aan uleeyahay cinwaakan? xageese wax badan oo asaga kusaabsan ka heli karaa?
2- maxaan ubaanahay inaan ka ogaado cinwaankan?
3- majiraan wax hore oo laga sameeyay cinwaankan aan doortay?
adigoo su'aalahan si dheer uga jawaabay isla markasna samaynaaya baaritaan iyo aqris badan bal hadana iskuday inaad kuwaan kale miiska soo saarato adigoon daal muujinayn waayo wada dheer aya ku hortaal hadan si ugaaban waayo waad qalin jabin rabtaa.
1- majiraa qof su'aalahan iiga jawaabi kara ama cinwaankan aan doortay haoray baaritaan uga sameeyay?
2- ma ubaahanahay inaan baaritan kusameeyo qaababka uu isticmaalay?
hadaba si aad howsha uguda gasho hadana kuwaan:-
1- sidee qof uga jawaabi karaa su'aalaha udenbeeyay? (methodology)
2- ma jirtaa xog lagama maarmaan ah o hadda diyaar ah?
3- maleyahay awood, waqti kufilan, kaalmo, resource si aan uguda galo maadada aan doortay ugana mira dhaliyo?
4- maleeyahay xirfad igu filan? haday jawaabtadu tahay maya, sideen isku soodiyaarin karaa si aan madadaaan ama cinwaankan usoo dhamaystiro? haddi aanan awoodin bilaabista cinwankan sideen su'alahaygi kore dib ugu laaban karaa?
isweydii su'aalahaan ilaa inta aad kahelayoso cinwaanka ugu haboon kuguna haboon adiga. waxaa kaloo haboon inaad iska ilaaliso maadada ama cinwaanada doodaha badan (controversial) kugu keeni kar.
waxii macluumad ah fariin hoos inoogu reeb ama Email noogu soodir ama
sooraac twitter keena @qayd2012. mahadsanid ogowna qof dhamaystiran majiro oo Allah ka ahayn.